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Idaho Fish and Game

Draft Idaho Action Plan (V5.0) for Implementing the Department of the Interior Secretarial Order 3362: “Improving Habitat Quality in Western Big-Game Winter Range and Migration Corridors”

Idaho Fish and Game is seeking comments on its Draft Idaho Action Plan (V5.0) for Implementing the Department of Interior Secretarial Order 3362. This plan will provide guidance for staff to implement management actions that will aid in the management and conservation of big game migration routes and winter range.

Review the draft plan below and submit comments by April 24, 2023, at 8 a.m. MDT.

Draft Idaho Action Plan (V5.0) for Implementing the Department of the Interior Secretarial Order 3362

Idaho Fish and Game coordinates with a diversity of partners, including private landowners, state and federal agencies, and non-governmental organizations, to implement voluntary management to conserve big game habitats across the state including migration routes and seasonal ranges.  For decades, the department has invested significant research and monitoring resources to obtain data necessary to inform big game management and assist these partners with conserving big game habitat.  

Since 2018, the department’s management and study of big game migration routes and seasonal habitats have been augmented through the Department of Interior’s (DOI) Secretarial Order No. 3362 (SO3362). SO3362 directs DOI agencies to assist western tribes, private landowners, state fish and wildlife agencies, and state highway departments with conserving and managing priority big game winter ranges and migration routes. SO3362 assistance includes grant funding opportunities for voluntary habitat conservation and data collection and analysis based on state-specified conservation priorities as documented in state-prepared action plans. 

Prepared in 2018, Version 1 of the Idaho Action Plan established a framework for conserving priority big game migration routes and winter ranges within five Priority Areas as informed by Commission approved species management plans. Updated in 2019 (Version 2), 2020 (Version 3), and 2022 (Version 4), Action Plan revisions occur as needed based on annual reviews to address new conservation priorities, provide new information, and document completed projects. The department is initiating the 2023 review and updating process for Version 5 of the Action Plan. Public input will be considered to make improvements to the draft plan. A final plan will be prepared and presented to the Fish and Game Commission to be considered for adoption at a future meeting.

Public Comment Instructions

We welcome comments for any part or all of the Draft Idaho Action Plan (V5.0). Please review the plan and acknowledge if you generally support, support with concerns, or do not support. Address items of support or concern in the "general comments" section. Referrals to specific sections or pages in the Action Plan are very helpful.



– Full plan, Pages 1-39 Page(s) [PDF, 4.58 MB] Download Document
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